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Application areas

Cofra provides integrated solutions for many ground improvement and specific environmental markets. We cover all project phases related to ground improvement from (pre-) feasibility and design through to construction and monitoring. We can offer together with Boskalis comprehensive solutions (quay walls, roads, railways, tunnels and bridges) and have together almost over a century experience to accommodate it.

Our Markets and Application areas

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Infrastructure: roads, railways, ports, airports

We provide solutions for the consolidation and compaction of the subsoil in order to reduce post construction settlements and guarantee stability during construction. Our barriers can be used to create the line infrastructure below ground water level.

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Dredging – land reclamations

Our consolidation and compaction techniques are optimized to be used on land reclamation projects. With high productions, high quality control and an exceptional fleet equipment we can be put in schedules against the largest dredging equipment in the world.

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Our Ground improvement techniques are highly suitable for the consolidation of tailing ponds to create more volume or increase the strength of the material. Our barrier solution are used isolate polluted materials from the environment.

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Construction: Industry, warehouses, logistics, tank farming, housing

Our ground improvement techniques are highly suitable for the preparation of the subsoil for the construction of structures. Our consolidation techniques reduce the settlement, whilst our compaction techniques can perfectly be used to compact the footing areas of warehouses.

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Pollution management

Our barrier solutions are due to the use of HDPE materials optimized to isolate the most polluting substances. This can be performed horizontal as well as vertical.

Pollution management

Flood protection

Our barrier and consolidation solutions are often used in the flood protection market. Our consolidation techniques are used to consolidate the soil behind or under new dikes to increase the strength. Our barriers are used to control waterlevels, block sand transport or prevent erosion.


Liquefaction mitigation

Our compaction solutions, earthquake drains and stone columns are used to prevent or mitigate the effects of the liquefaction of the subsoil.

Our solutions per market segment

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Our projects - Please filter on markets for the specific projects per market segment

Makassar CVC 77

CDC, CRC and CVC compaction for new reclamation for the expansion of Makassar Indonesia

We compacted 450,000 m2 land reclamation using our compaction techniques. The uniqueness of this project was that three compaction techniques were available for the compaction of the reclamation of up to 12m thickness. This made that optimisations were reached in the deployment of the techniques.


CDC compaction for DWDR project in Dover, UK

We compacted in 2017 in several phases 90,000m2 for the expansion of the Dover Western Harbour Front. Compaction was executed right next to sheetpile walls.


CDC compaction for carriageway railway bridge

We compacted in several phases the carriageway for the transport of a 13,500ton railway bridge in 2016. Compaction was executed in strict time schedule due to closures of highways for the compaction of the subbase material.


CDC compaction for Felixstowe berth 9 expansion

We compacted in two phases the new berth 9 quay  in 2015 and in 2018 the remaining area behind the quay.

CDC compaction for Gabon Fertilizer plant

We compacted 540,000m2 for the Gabon fertilizer plant in Gabon in 2013 using 3 machines.


CDC compaction for Antwerpen East port

We compacted 80,000m2 for the development of warehouses near Antwerpen, Belgium.