Building worldwide on our strength
We (Cofra), as well as our sister company Geotechnics, are part of the Boskalis Cofra Holding, which belongs to Boskalis, a leading dredging and offshore contractor and maritime services provider.
- Cofra is the specialized contracting company within the holding and mainly operating in the field of ground improvement. Besides ground improvement Cofra also focusses in specific markets on the installation of barriers, often involving (environmentally protective) liner constructions.
- Geotechnics is the trading and production company, producing, amongst other products, the prefabricated vertical wick drain brand MebraDrain.
We are the European market leader when it comes to the installation of consolidation techniques like vertical drains and vacuum consolidation. Our experienced staff continuously works on the development of new ground improvement techniques and innovative solutions to improve our the (installation) methods of our current techniques. Doing so, we are able to offer you solutions to make your initially unsuitable subsurface material suitable for the desired construction activities. With this we aim to contribute worldwide to economic development and a safe living environment.
We just get things done
The daily management is in the hands of Mr. Paul van den Horn (general director), Mr. Axel Hilligehekken (operational director) and Mr. Ton van Veen (financial director). In addition to the head office in Amsterdam, Cofra has branch offices in London, Stockholm, Singapore and Bratislava.
We are a PVD producer and ground improvement contractor with a long track record and in-house geotechnical engineering. Our first projects in the field of prefabricated vertical drains originate from the end of the 1970-ties. Before the development of the prefabricated vertical drains, Cofra installed sand piles to accelerate the consolidation process. Cofra started with only the installation of vertical drains but gradually expanded its portfolio with complementing techniques being nowadays able to provide clients a complete portfolio of ground improvement techniques to unlock the potential of all soil types.
Innovation, reliability and professionalism are embedded in our DNA
The products and equipment that Cofra and Geotechnics have developed over the years are protected by international patents. The companies have quality control systems that meet ISO 9001 standards and are applied to all production, development and execution processes. In addition Cofra has process certificates for the use of geosynthetics.