Safety is a core value and a top priority at our company. Our No Injuries No Accidents (NINA) safety program reflects our objective of ensuring our employees return from work safely each day. NINA embeds the desired safety culture in our organization and makes safety a fully integrated part of working behavior.
Since the implementation of NINA in 2010 safety awareness at Cofra has increased significantly and, more importantly, has resulted in a major decline of the Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF). NINA has become an inextricable part of our culture. It has stimulated the way in which we work with each other: in open dialogue and collaboration to achieve operational excellence. Our clients too are increasingly embracing NINA as best practice, and are enthusiastic to participate in our interactive NINA training.
NINA makes employees aware of their own responsibility towards their safety. It stimulates a working environment in which safety, responsibilities and potentially hazardous situations are openly discussed and reported. The NINA values and rules are not only about procedures, but mostly promote ownership and a safety-driven mindset. Five short and clearly worded values with five supporting rules provide the framework and help us achieve our objective: No Injuries and No Accidents.
More about safety
How we make sure that safety is everyone’s number one priority.
Read about NINA.